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Volume 5, Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2021

$5.00 / Sold Out

cover: Jordan Houck by Tasha Lindemann

🗞24 pages featuring color cover and center spread.
🖼Lots of A+ photos like any good BMX mag should have (big thanks to all the photographers)

🖊 illustrations throughout the issue from Declan Murray
🧦 (another) Sock Review by Nick Ferreira.
🎣 My dad on fly-fishing. Are there any similarities with BMX?
🚫 “A Break” by Patrick Klacza. Don’t we have enough stuff?
🛋 IKEA’s blue bags by Nick Ferreira. Are the furniture giant’s blue bags the best designed object of the 21st century?
💤 Loafers: In Defense of Hobbies. Maybe this lifestyle thing isn’t what it’s all cracked up to be…
👀 “We’re on Vacation Man!” Chris Zidek talks to Ian Fleming about the Eyecontact DVD.
🧩 A BMX Puzzle by Becky Aspell and Matt Dean
📐 Curvature Counsel: Angular Deflection. For this round of Curvature, Brad Hill discusses the Polejam
🏖 Cellar Door Vacation by Julius Carrasquillo. A BMX comic :)
🇫🇷 The Alex Dropsy @digbmx Cover. I interviewed Manu Sanz and Will Smyth about one of my favorite Dig covers ever.
🎞From the Archives: Matt St. Gelais 2001-2003. Matt St. Gelais gives us a look into what it was like on the flatland circuit in the early 2000s with 12 awesome photos.
🇬🇧 Sequence of Events by Sam Waller. Strava, for grinding?
💨1777 W. Arrow Route 91786 by Bill Batchelor. An excerpt from Bill’s new book Concrete & Smog, about the infamous Upland, CA skatepark, Pipeline.
🎮 BMX XXX: a Brief History an anonymous contributor tackles the oddball BMX video game, BMX XXX something that is hard to believe ever existed.
🗣The Freestyle Experience 009: A Chat with Corey Walsh. An open-ended conversation between Corey and Richard Mungall